From competency focused intervention to business focus solutions
Training is an investment in the long-term viability of your business and your people. It’s important to ensure you are investing your money wisely.
With the ever-changing economy and training landscape, companies are re-balancing their training priorities at both strategic and tactical levels.
As organisations look for innovative and cost effective ways to manage the training budget – making a move to virtual classrooms, for example, our research has revealed an increasing trend of organisations moving much of their training and development in-house by limiting the use of external vendors. This is a logical move for very specialised development utilising skilled internal trainers or expertise which only exists in-house. However, a `one-size-fits-all` approach carries heavy risk.
At Business Future Consulting (BFC), we support our clients in building the skills of their internal training teams to better manage the ebbs and flows of a changing economy on new manpower needs and abilities.