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Increase Sales by Understanding Buyer Psychology



What do high performance sales professionals do differently to win more sales? By understanding human psychology and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), sales professionals will be able to gain customer’s trust and propose a differentiated solution to win the sale. The objective of the workshop is to equip every participant with effective sales framework and NLP techniques to win more sales.



All sales professionals and managers who want to improve their sales by understanding buyer psychology.



  • Avoid Mindset that Sabotage Success

    • Does your subconscious mind prevent you from achieving greater success?

    • Increase your sales using MIDAS sales framework

  • Proven Strategies to Differentiate Your Products/Services

    • Insights to human psychology and buyer’s fear and resistance

    • Create substantiated offer to win customer’s heart

  • Determine Customer’s Needs

    • Gain good rapport and trust using NLP techniques

    • Understand buyer psychology and probe for customer’s hot buttons

  • Answer Customer’s Objections

    • Use iceberg concept to understand customer’s real incomes

    • Apply practical techniques to turn objections into sales opportunities

  • Summarize & Close

    • Sizzle up your solution by using multi-sensory approach

    • Apply effective techniques for immediate closure




  • A combination of short lectures, hands-on activities, group discussions to equip participants with effective sales framework and NLP techniques.




Date : Thursday, 10 March 2016

         Friday, 11 Novembr 2015

Time : 9 am to 5 pm

Course Fees : S$599.00 (no GST)

Course Duration : 1 day


10% Early Bird Discount or 20% Group Discount


Productivity & Innovation Credit (PIC) claimable


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